Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the “9th International Congress on Biomaterials and Biosensors (BIOMATSEN)” which will be held on April 18-24, 2024 in the stunning Convention Centre of the Liberty Hotels Lykia /Oludeniz in Muğla, Turkey.

Biomatsen 2024 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in biomaterials and biosensors. In addition to scientific seminars, a wide range of social programs including boat cruises and visits to historical places will be available.

The Organizing Committee also encourages companies and institutions to showcase their modern products and equipment in the conference area.


We are looking forward to meeting you at BIOMATSEN2024

With our best regards,

Organizing Committee


Aig Tur

Merdivenköy, İlkyuva Sk. No: 1D, 34732

Kadıköy/Istanbul - TURKIYE

T +90 216 330 80 90 
F +90 216 302 97 23 


01 Abstract Submission Deadline: January 24, 2025 

02 Deadline for all Oral Presentation to be paid: December 31, 2024

03 Deadline for Very Early Bird Period: December 31, 2024

04 Notification of Acceptance, within 1-3 weeks after the receipt of abstract

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